Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh...Where is the time?

One worthwhile task carried to a successful conclusion is worth half-a-hundred half-finished tasks. – Malcolm S. Forbes 

 That is the quote I chose for today and boy did I need to hear it! My last blog post talked about procrastination, which I think is something we all struggle with. However, what I find I struggle with more is completion of the "half-a-hundred half-finished tasks". 

Where is the time? My "to-do" list, like most of you, seems forever long without enough time in the day. But the fact is whether you are an Olympic gold medalist, a stay at home mom, or a budding entrepreneur, we ALL have the same amount of time in the day.  We all have 8 hours a day, 168 hours in a week...and roughly 672 hours a month. How do you use your precious time? Do you waste hours of it in front of the TV or on social media sites? It is how you spend your time that determines what you accomplish, not the goals you set. When is the last time you took a good hard look at how your time is spent? What if you took 1 hour of each day and devoted it to something you are passionate about? Think how that could change your life...ONE hour a day! You could get fit, write a book,  take up a musical instrument, learn a language, the list is endless!

In the book "Stop Praying" it states: If you read just 30 minutes a day, in less than one year, you could read over 30 books a year! Think of all you could learn...astonishing!

 It is important to budget your time wisely, make a list of priorities, and put together a support team to keep you accountable.

You can accomplish all of you goals and dreams...you just have to find (and budget) the time.

Shine ON!



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