Monday, March 8, 2010

The power of INTENTION

Have you ever thought to I can't...I shouldn't...but what if? 

What if you stopped making excuses in your life? Does that thought scare you? Does your life potential make you squirm because of what you would have to risk if you really pursued it?

Remember one word.. INTENTION. Take 30 minutes a day and read "The Power of Intention" by Wayne Dyer, a truly inspiring read! On my short flight back from Reno yesterday I was reminded of these words...

"Think what you would like to have is already present in your life"

"What you think about expands your life"

"I am eternal. I will be passionate about all I do"

Such profound and exciting words. I quite often feel that I am living my life with intention yet there are days I lose site of what that is.

We have all heard of "The Secret" and as much as I believe we become what we think, there is an action and intention that needs to be put in place in order for it to manifest what we desire into reality.

What would you love to do in your life? What are you missing? Why are you living in mediocre? What does it take to change that?

Love others...appreciate all the beauty in the world...believe that all you love and desire is possible...because it is!!

Shine ON!!


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