Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lesson Learned

A couple months ago, I was strolling through the vast Target aisles and came across their clearance section in the beauty department. For most women, I would say this is like hitting a small jackpot. I was very pleased to find a bag a 6 razors (the old school blue man kind) that were on sale for a little over $2.00. What a steal!! They kill us with the price of the "specially designed" razors for women. I mean, come on, how different can they be?

Thrilled with my smart purchase, I grab one as I head into my next shower. As I stepped out of the shower, I realized I had a few minor nicks on my shins and a few on the knee but hey, these razors where a great deal and I was pleased with my purchase.

The next shower comes and I use the razor again...this time the gashes from the razor are enough for me to throw it away. I complain to a friend about the new cuts on my legs and she asks me why I am using them. I told her about my steal of a deal and left it at that.

Next shower, I grab a new razor out of the pack and head in with complete resolve that I will NOT cut myself. Yep, you guessed it...except this time I had to wrap my leg up with gauze and tape so blood would not get on my beautiful white sheets. Man that hurt!!! I was tan in that area on my shin and now my skin is a whole new shade of white.

All this brings me back to one of my favorite quotes:

"If you want different results in your life, you must DO something different."

I have thrown away the remainder of the razors. :)

Shine ON!

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