Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 2 of Bikram

Tonight was day 2 of my commitment to 30 days of Bikram yoga. Actually, I'm committed to 7 days straight and then down to 5 days a week for 30 days.

Today I did NOT want to go! I was up at 5:00am and taught a 6:30am cycle class followed by a very busy day of meetings and coaching. The only time I could take class was tonight at 8pm. So after a quick call to a friend for motivation, I got in my car and headed over. To my complete surprise it was not as difficult as I thought it would be and I was able hit poses I was unable to do yesterday. I am tired but feel really good and like I really accomplished something.

I am sharing this with you because I want you to know that I do practice what I preach. I want my body to change a bit therefore I am doing something different. It's not always easy but it's worth it. I also want to remind you that it is when we push ourselves that we surprise ourselves. When we think we are unable to go a little further or push ourselves any harder there is always a little bit more to give and THAT is when magic happens.

Shine ON!!


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