
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
To be a fly...continued
Yes, the really nice guy "the friend" most likely will not get the girl up front. I think every woman likes a bit of intrigued and excitement. However, ever woman ultimately wants a friend, someone she can trust, and someone who treats her with love and respect. The "good guy" if he understands that, I believe will get "the girl".
One of my friends wrote me this:
"I spent 10 years being a "nice guy" and having lots of friends that were girls and no girlfriends. Lasting relationships are built on friendship AND lust.
For men, lust is easy since it is usually physical. Women are far more difficult since it is a story/feeling that is usually more than just appearance. It is based on movies and romance novels (girly porn). Women are looking for a swashbuckling, knight, vampire, werewolf cowboy that has important things to do but makes a little time for you. Nice guys will take time off work to meet for coffee when the jerk blows off your date, and since the nice guy acts like your girlfrinds you treat them like it.
I found it far more effective to emulate the jerk for the first few dates and then go back to my normal nice guy personality once I was not in the friend zone. I don't know anyone that moved from friends to a relationship ... it always ends up with a lot of heart ache.
The same rejection happens with women too of course, but it is easier to figure out. Men usually have certain physical characteristics that they find attractive and if you don't fit those, then he will not be interested. If your physical appearance changes men will have no problem moving from friends to a relationship. Unfortunately the opposite holds true too. This is all a bit complicated and I may be a bit jaded. "
Thanks for the input!
I feel a lot of it comes down to the type of girl the guy is going after....and vice-versa. I, for one, would not date a guy who treated me bad or "blew me off" but I am sure there are some that dig that. (that's a whole other topic)
In the end, there are all types out there and I still believe when you meet the right one you will know. What can I say...I'm such a romantic!
Friday, December 11, 2009
To be a fly...
In the meantime the other ladies and I talked about life and...well you guessed it...MEN.
Here is what I concluded from our insightful conversation:
1. Some girls like "the game" while others want nothing to do with it
2. Some girls like the guy who treats them like garbage...however she will treat you that way in return.
3. One woman told us she treats every guy she is "into" like "he's ugly"....
4. MONEY (although nice) does NOT buy love!
5. Trying to be someone you are not gets you nowhere except the door!!!
6. Nice guys in the end always get "the girl"....if they don't try too hard.
I hope that helps.
Shine ON!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Perfect Gift for Golfers!
Check it out!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Golf Capital Magazine
I have wanted to write something for publication for some time now so when given the opportunity by the magazines owner and publisher, Dana Nichols, I jumped at the chance! Being relatively new to the game of golf, I quickly realized there were many parallels between the lessons of golf and the lessons of life. I love that with both golf and life you are constantly learning and evolving. Actually both become quite boring and monotonous. I hope you take a second to read the article...I would love your comments. It was actually much tougher that I thought it would be. It is one thing to speak to groups of people but it is another to put those thoughts down on paper in a way that actually makes sense. :)
Shine On!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Happy shopping!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
A day of thanks...
It has been quite the year...I know many of us continue to struggle and go through life's many challenges.
On this Thanksgiving, I encourage you to really look inside yourself and take time to recognize all the blessings in your life. Remember, there are people without homes...there are people without families...and worst of all, there are people that have given up on themselves.
This holiday season I encourage you to make it a point to reach out to others. Be joyful for the things you DO have...for I am joyful for you!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Don't let your light fade
"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." - Albert Schweitzer
I love this...SHINE ON!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Beach shoot
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Plan
For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you, says the Lord. (Jer: 29:11-14, NAB)
Don't settle
I really like this quote for today. I think it is easy for many of us to get stuck in the rut of complacency. The only way to get new results out of life is to change what your doing. No one wants to live an “ordinary” life…we all want extraordinary lives...and they SHOULD be!
What can you do different today? It does not have to be a big change, perhaps it is a simple change in your thinking.
Shine on!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Logo
1. The gap between our intentions and our actions
Shine on!
~Keri Murphy
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Today's quote
One of my "wonder-twin" friends sent this to me yesterday and I absolutely loved it! I had to share it with you. We have all either read or have heard about "The Secret" and the importance of thinking positive, which I believe with all my heart. However, there is something magical that happens when you have faith. It is the knowing of the unknown…stepping out and believing.
We all go through hard times and I have definitely had my share of difficult times through out my life. I am often congratulated on my resilience and positive outlook, which I appreciate very much, but I honestly don't think I could make it through half the junk I have if it was not for FAITH!
Faith that I am here for a reason, Faith in His plan, Faith that I will rise above, Faith that I will make a positive impact on the world in which I live. Faith that the people who know me, know better.
A future without FAITH is not an option for me....it is me.
Shine on!
~Keri Murphy
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Today's inspirational quote
"In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present." - Francis Bacon
I believe in the darkest of times a person's true light is exposed. Those lit from within will shine with out trying. They will find a way out of the darkness because it is impossible for them to stay there long. Their light will not distinguish.
Others will search...they will use the darkness in order to do harm to themselves or others. They will feed on it and allow their appetite for destruction to suppress any light that may be trying to come through.
Let your light shine...be a beacon! You will not have to worry about finding your way out of the thick darkness that surrounds you, for your light that shines SO bright internally will reveal the path.
Shine on.
Keri Murphy
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Personal Blog
Thanks so much for your constant encouragement and support! You have no idea how much it means to me.
Friday, September 25, 2009
New position with the E! morning show
Make sure you are following me on Twitter (kerimurphy1) to see when I am on next!
For more information check out my website: www.kerimurphy.com
Keep Dreaming!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Pit
I am an optimist, I believe in finding the up-side in every difficult situation. I want to believe if you are a good person good things will come to you. I believe in happy endings.
Today I woke up with an uneasy pit in my stomach. Life is complicated and it is difficult to realize when you have fallen into a pattern of any type of self destruction. As an adult it is easy to look back on your childhood and life experiences with a logical perspective but how those experiences affect you as an adult are a little tougher to decipher.
Many of us live with wounds so deep that we constantly try to fill them with self deprecating behavior. We would rather keep making the same “mistakes” then take the time to deal with the hurt, heal and re-establish a new way of life. Why would anyone choose to live in such a sad state? Because patterns are tough to break and deep wounds are so painful to heal. This is the root of so many problems in our world today! I choose to make a change.
I don’t like showing this side of me, being vulnerable is not easy and many never see it. I am all smiles with a cheer leader enthusiasm but not today (or at least not at this moment). However I am not a victim of life...I am a surviver!
I need to go hiking....
Thursday, April 2, 2009
2 months and counting


I too have done that over the years as each spring starts to appear. I would change the colors in my house from red, black and gold to white, cream and tan....I wanted it to feel like a beach house, and it did. I no longer have my own house to redecorate and nest in but I do have a new city to get to know and I am certainly doing that! I have gone out more here in the last 2 months than I think all year in Portland.
I still often pinch myself that I am actually here, living in LA. And although I endured a lot of heartache and struggles over the last few years I am so happy I am here. It feels like this is where I am supposed to be. However, I must admit that after owning an agency going out on auditions is tough. It is not that I think I am better than anyone else or that I feel like I should not have to play the game like everyone else, it is just that at times it can feel so belittling, like I should be doing something more. Let me explain.... after getting camera ready (this is different than regular ready), driving for 45 minutes (at least) and waiting for another 45 minutes you then have less than 2 minutes to show them why you are the ONE but in the end either you are a fit or not, there is not a whole lot you can do.
Last week I had an audition for a Target commercial, they were looking for different types of “moms.” (Yes, I am going out for the mom roles now...Ahhhh) I am waiting for my turn with a room full of talent who are also patiently waiting while eyeing each other up. Standing in line I look to my right and notice a beautiful girl in her 20’s looking as though she was ready to hit the dance floor. She was wearing a black short skirt with tall boots, had long black hair and painted her face for a hot night on the town, but it was 1:30pm . I think to myself, “We are definitely NOT going out for the same part.” She is talking it up on her cell phone about her personal trainer as the frazzled casting director comes out of get her. The casting director asks the young women if she has a headshot, she responds with a “Yes”, he then asks her for her headshot. She then tells him that she does have one but did not bring it with her. He then says, “So you do NOT have one.” She retorts back, “Yes, I do but...” He responds, “Honey, it’s a yes or no answer, either you have one with you or you don’t!” Obviously frustrated he makes a disparaging comment and turns to follow her into the room while gesturing putting a gun to his head. OMG!!! Seriously! This is LA....it is all kinds trying to “make it” and I am in that pool. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything! In case you are wondering...no, I did not get the commercial. I bet she did. :)
Anyway, all this is stuff I know and have taught others about for years but actually being out in it is a different thing all together. One of my new friends wrote, “He did not choose the industry, it chose him.” I so get that! If you love this business it is part of who you are...there is just no escaping it.
I have gone out quite a bit this week and went out for a job I think I would be perfect for so I am keeping my fingers crossed that my 2 minutes counted.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Life in LA

For those of you do not know in December of 2008 I made one of the toughest decisions I have ever had to make, I decided to close my talent agency and move to Los Angeles. The agency was my life for the past 5 1/2 years. I loved my job and the people I was able to help in pursuing their dreams. Unfortunately the economy took it’s tole and I was unable to sustain what I worked so hard to build over the years. Call it luck or God’s fate that my own childhood dream of being an on-camera talent began to resurface over the last couple years and has now brought me to the place I am...LA!
I must admit the first few weeks were really difficult; leaving my friends, family and home to literally rent one room in a foreign city with a family I had never met. Lucky for me I had gotten to know West LA from bringing talent here for so many years, however being on the other side is completely different! (More on that later)
When I first arrived I rented a room from a family that was renting the house from someone else.The location was fantastic but there many things I questioned once I arrived. I had an uneasy feeling from the get-go and I should have trusted that feeling a little sooner. I have learned that my instincts are rarely too off base. Anyway, after being there for less than 2 weeks the family got evicted from their home leaving me without a place to live. I know...welcome to LA Keri! LOL As fate would have it, the night before the family got evicted I went out and looked at a new place (at 9:30 pm) and loved it! The views were amazing and it even had a piano. I moved in the next day and have been here since. My room mate is a very cool woman from London (Lissa) who has enough one-liners to keep me laughing for hours. She is a true blessing! I was not sure I even wanted a room mate coming from living by myself for years but she has made this transition so much easier.
Overall life in LA is good...different. I love the sun, the energy, and the opportunity I now have in front of me. I signed with a fantastic commercial and print agent last week and have one of the best broadcasting agents in the business. Starting over is always difficult but I have complete faith I am here for a good reason.