Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lesson Learned

A couple months ago, I was strolling through the vast Target aisles and came across their clearance section in the beauty department. For most women, I would say this is like hitting a small jackpot. I was very pleased to find a bag a 6 razors (the old school blue man kind) that were on sale for a little over $2.00. What a steal!! They kill us with the price of the "specially designed" razors for women. I mean, come on, how different can they be?

Thrilled with my smart purchase, I grab one as I head into my next shower. As I stepped out of the shower, I realized I had a few minor nicks on my shins and a few on the knee but hey, these razors where a great deal and I was pleased with my purchase.

The next shower comes and I use the razor again...this time the gashes from the razor are enough for me to throw it away. I complain to a friend about the new cuts on my legs and she asks me why I am using them. I told her about my steal of a deal and left it at that.

Next shower, I grab a new razor out of the pack and head in with complete resolve that I will NOT cut myself. Yep, you guessed it...except this time I had to wrap my leg up with gauze and tape so blood would not get on my beautiful white sheets. Man that hurt!!! I was tan in that area on my shin and now my skin is a whole new shade of white.

All this brings me back to one of my favorite quotes:

"If you want different results in your life, you must DO something different."

I have thrown away the remainder of the razors. :)

Shine ON!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Self Beliefs

Self belief is a funny topic. It's the one thing that for most of us, determines where we end up and how we live life. Many of us believe we are only capable of so much success, happiness, and financial gain in our lives. It us because we think that way that that is exactly what shows up. Most people feel much more comfortable in the confines of their box of limiting beliefs. There is less risk if you only believe you are capable of certain things, right? If you don't try, then you can't fail. But I can't imagine that is how you would chose to live life if you knew there was another way.

There are certain factors that make up our belief systems:

* How we were raised: Did your parent(s) tell you you can DO anything and BE anything or were you told limiting beliefs such as; in order to be successful you MUST go to school and get a degree.

*Environment and Society- Where you were born and the social class of your community

*Self-perception and body image- I think, therefore I am. If you do not respect or love yourself how can you ever expect others to see something different?

*Current Relationships- You have heard, "You are what you surround yourself with" right? Are you surrounding yourself with positive people that support you and your dreams or negative ones?

There are certain factors we can not change however, we CAN change our limiting beliefs and we CAN make the choice to surround ourselves with people that support our goals.

Believe that you can with all your heart & soul and YOU WILL!!

Shine ON!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Enjoy the Journey

No one ever said the road to success was an easy one. In fact, I think most successful people would agree that their road to success was full of pot holes, breakdowns and detours. If you are not 100% committed to where you are going it is very easy to venture off road or grow weary of the constant bumps. On the contrary, if you are excited about reaching your destination you can make the journey a fun road trip.

Do you remember the last time you planned an exciting get-a-away? The planning and packing...even the long road-trip or plane ride was part of the adventure knowing that soon you would be at your glorious destination. I love that feeling!

You can feel that everyday if you know where you are heading in your life.

Do you have any type of map for your life and the goals you have set or do you just go on cruise control everyday hoping for the wind to blow you in the right direction?

Which road are you on? Do you even know where you are going? How will you get there?

I know, lot's of questions...but in order to get where you want to be in your life it is important to look at the road you are on and determine if you are heading in the right direction. If not, change course and get excited!

Once you are on it...enjoy the journey! There will always be detours in life but as with most detours, you discover things you would have never seen otherwise and eventually you will reach your dream destination.

Shine ON!!