Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Self Beliefs

Self belief is a funny topic. It's the one thing that for most of us, determines where we end up and how we live life. Many of us believe we are only capable of so much success, happiness, and financial gain in our lives. It us because we think that way that that is exactly what shows up. Most people feel much more comfortable in the confines of their box of limiting beliefs. There is less risk if you only believe you are capable of certain things, right? If you don't try, then you can't fail. But I can't imagine that is how you would chose to live life if you knew there was another way.

There are certain factors that make up our belief systems:

* How we were raised: Did your parent(s) tell you you can DO anything and BE anything or were you told limiting beliefs such as; in order to be successful you MUST go to school and get a degree.

*Environment and Society- Where you were born and the social class of your community

*Self-perception and body image- I think, therefore I am. If you do not respect or love yourself how can you ever expect others to see something different?

*Current Relationships- You have heard, "You are what you surround yourself with" right? Are you surrounding yourself with positive people that support you and your dreams or negative ones?

There are certain factors we can not change however, we CAN change our limiting beliefs and we CAN make the choice to surround ourselves with people that support our goals.

Believe that you can with all your heart & soul and YOU WILL!!

Shine ON!


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