Thursday, April 22, 2010

How To Get Ahead

I had the amazing opportunity to watch my friend and coaching client, Kailin Endres, get crowned Miss Klamath County last weekend. She was one of eighteen hopefuls vying for the coveted title that would allow her to compete at Miss Oregon this summer and with that title, the opportunity to compete at Miss America.  As I watched anxiously from the crowd, actually right in front of the sound/video table which prohibited me from any side comments (painful!), I would eagerly wait for Kaitlin to take the stage. Every time she walked out she SHINED like a star! Granted, I may be a little biased but she had a confidence and grace about her that could not be overlooked. She stood out like a diamond in the rough. As I accepted the "great work" compliments from her family and friends after the crowning, my response was SHE did the work. She dedicated herself 110% to make it happen and I could not be more proud of her and her accomplishment. You can have people tell you what to do all day long but if you don't listen and apply the advice then it is simply hot air.

I posted a picture of the awesome crowning moment below...

I have seen this over and over again...those who are dedicated and put in the work will see the rewards. Those are the people who become the "Miss America's", movie stars, top executives, super-mom and the Trumps, Bill Gates and Oprah's of the world. You can not reach the top if you are not willing to start climbing!! Yes, it will be painful sometimes and there will be sacrifices a long the way, but everything comes with a price to pay. There is no miracle pill for weight loss, success, an amazing marriage or business.  When are we as a society going to figure that out? If you want something bad enough you will do WHATEVER IT TAKES!

 Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent. 
– Sophia Loren

Have faith in yourself, have discipline, and have a plan of action...then look down from the mountain top in which you stand on and tell me how incredible THAT view is!

Shine ON!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What if tomorrow NEVER comes?

I know, quite the depressing topic for someone who is always spouting out motivational quotes. 

However, it has come to my attention that SO many people make up excuses for why they are not living the life they want...the amazing life that is just waiting for them!

*I don't have the time
*I don't have the money
*My kids come before my happiness
*I will find God before I die
*We will start work on our marriage when the kids are gone
*I'll start MONDAY (oh, yeah...we have all said that one!)

We are not guaranteed anything in life except this day...this moment!! Why are you waiting? I know stepping out and taking a risk can be scary. But I think the scarier reality is that we will die wondering where our life went and why didn't we try. 

Wouldn't you rather look back (if we are so blessed to do so) and, I gave it my all! I pursued my dreams, my talents, my God, my community and my relationships with all that I could. I loved and lived everyday!

Yes, tomorrow may never come...stop waiting...and start doing!  You will be SO glad you did.

Shine ON!!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Living outside of the "Norm"

There is no tribe of normal

"People don't coalesce into active and committed tribes around the status quo.

The only vibrant tribes in our communities are the ones closer the edges, or those trying to make change. The center is large, but it's not connected.

If you're trying to build a tribe, a community or a movement, and you want it to be safe and beyond reproach at the same time, you will fail.

Heretical thoughts, delivered in a way that capture the attention of the minority--that's the path that works."

-Seth Godin

This is a excerpt from Seth Godin's blog and as I read it I practically jumped out of my chair with a YES!! 

I attended a training this weekend that literally changed my life. We talked about this exact thing... those of us that want to make a change in this world have to be willing to step out on the "skinny branches of life" and risk. The center of our world is large but very disconnected. What would happen if we all came together? If we all lived our lives outside the "status qou" in a way that actually united people instead of turning them against each other. What a world that would be! 

It starts with one...sign me up!

Shine ON!!!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How do you stay so positive?

I recently received an email from a friend of mine that asked;

"How do you stay so positive? Don't you have any bum days, doesn't life ever let you down? Sometimes I have no clue....." 

To answer my friend, ABSOLUTELY! I have had many bum days and yes, life can certainly disappoint.
I realize that is an inevitable part of life that without would make it easy to take all the good things for granted. I try to see every challenge and obstacle in life as a learning experience taking me one step closer to my ultimate goal. I am a firm believer that we all have a choice everyday to live life as a victim or to live victorious!  I also have faith in knowing that there is a purpose and intention for my life that I try my hardest to live out every day. If I keep getting the same results or if I am stuck-in-rut, I take a "time-out" to examine my habits and what I am doing (or not doing) that keeps me in the same place. Heck, I am even doing that today. LOL!

In many ways, I still don't have a clue, but I rejoice in the fact that everyday is a new day filled with opportunity. Life is what you make it so why not make it a happy one!

Shine ON!
