Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Freedom to Choose

It really is amazing the freedom we have in America each day. We have the freedom to decide where we want to live, where to work and whom we spend our time with. We have the freedom to create whatever life we want for ourselves. The ability to choose our faith, our friends and where we live are extravagances that millions of people in other countries will never see.

What do you do with that freedom?

Do you push it aside or do you push to see how far you can go with it? Do you dream and live aware of all the choices around you OR do you complain; unsatisfied with the life you have created? Do you use this freedom to sculpt a life so exquisite that others will be infinitely touched or do you simply leave it as a ball of clay that never had the joy of being experimented with?

There are no boundaries to your excellence. There are no lines in which you have to color within…with freedom; you get to create your own lines. The only boundaries are the ones created from the unwillingness to look and step beyond them.

There are people out there that sacrifice all they have for such freedom. They put their life on the line…they say goodbye to loved ones and life as they know it.

The shackles of another do not bind us…we only lay prisoners in our mind.

Be grateful for such freedom and all that is available to you.

A grateful heart is a joyful one, and a joyful heart is FREE.

Dream it. Live it. Be it.

Shine ON!!


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