Monday, July 19, 2010

Don't just read it- LIVE IT!

In this day and age of social media, e-zines and enough self-help books to absorb the oil spill, it becomes incredibly easy to get tied up in reading about the life you want instead of LIVING IT. Of course, there is a great deal of knowledge to be gained by such experts and stories but at some point one has to TAKE ACTION!

If you don’t know where to start, that’s OK. The most difficult part in doing anything is usually just getting it off the ground. I have always found that once I put the intention out there that I am going to do or create “something”, I then start attracting the right people and things to make it happen. To this day this constantly amazes me! Trust me, there are still plenty of days I find myself spinning around the office with no clue as to what to do next or how I am going to get there. It is just as easy for me to get encapsulated in the reading and research. It is during those moments that I take time to re-focus and examine my plan.

A plan for me is simply a rough map of where I am going, what I want to accomplish and how I plan to do it. Like most maps, it does not include the major traffic jams, potholes and detours…but it does keep me focused on where I am going. Any destination without a map is a whole lot harder to get to. It is so important not to lose site of where it is you are heading. However, at some point you have to put down the map and drive. (I know enough metaphors) ☺

So put down the books, log-off your computer and start LIVING the life you want!


Shine ON!


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