Thursday, August 12, 2010

Four Key Steps To Achieving YOUR Success!

We all know there is no magic pill for success; it takes a lot of hard work. We all have unique gifts and passions that make us shine. I believe when we focus on those gifts and use them to help others as well as ourselves, everything in the universe applauds us. Here are the four key steps to get you well on your way.

1. You must DECIDE what is it that you want to achieve. It is absolutely crucial that you have a very clear understanding of what it is you want to accomplish. Saying “I want to make more money” is great but how and by when? How much more? An ambiguous goal is often one that loses steam quickly and therefore does not get achieved. Be as specific as possible.

2.You have to DEVELOP whatever skill sets are needed to achieve the decided upon goal. What is your star power? What uniqueness do you have that draws people to you or your product? This is SO important! You have to know and appreciate what makes you different. Be confident and kind. It is important to figure out who, what, when, where and how of bringing your goal to life. If 1% make it BIG what is it that makes that 1% shine?

If your goal was to “make more money” you need to ask yourself:

What do I need to do differently?

What other skills do I need to learn?

What is my plan of action?

How can I attract more wealth into my life?

What beliefs am I holding onto from the past, that are keeping me from my future?

Who can help me? Who do you know that is making more money?

In the book “The Outliers” Malcolm Gladwell discusses the 10,000 rule. This rule states that in order to reach the highest level of success in a certain field, you must commit about 10,000 to that goal. Are you up for it?

3. Get ready to DELIVER! Come up with a strategy to launch you and or your product. If you want to “make more money” in your business but you and/or your product to deliver that message it is unlikely to happen. What does your non-verbal say when you walk into a room? Your posture, clothing, and vocal tone speak loader than any words you could say so it is very important the message it clear. You are a success!!
Once you put up the sail the wind will take you but the boat won’t move until you do. ☺

3.Be DEDICATED! I cannot tell you how many times I talk to people who have a specific goal in their life and a few months later they are in the exact same place. Without LEVEL 5 commitment (Be and do whatever it takes) few will ever see all the success that is waiting for them. Success does not happen overnight and it takes a lot of drive and determination. Most people make it in “Hollywood” not because they are the most talented, but because they did not give up!

Acquire the mindset of a champion. If you fall, get back up. When you’re tired push yourself a little further…when the going gets tough, find joy that you are on your way!

Mindset of a Champion:

• Fierce dedication to your goals
• Driven beyond the norm
• Persistent and Resilient
• Dare to be different- take Risks!
• Be willing to learn from your mistakes and others
• Be Joyful!

The Four Key Steps to YOUR Success are Decide, Develop, Deliver and Dedicate. Good luck!

For more information on my coaching services go to

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