Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today's quote

"Good things rarely happen to those who don't believe that good things can happen.  You have faith in the future & that's part of what creates a future worth having faith in"

One of my "wonder-twin" friends sent this to me yesterday and I absolutely loved it! I had to share it with you. We have all either read or have heard about "The Secret" and the importance of thinking positive, which I believe with all my heart. However, there is something magical that happens when you have faith. It is the knowing of the unknown…stepping out and believing.

We all go through hard times and I have definitely had my share of difficult times through out my life. I am often congratulated on my resilience and positive outlook, which I appreciate very much, but I honestly don't think I could make it through half the junk I have if it was not for FAITH!

Faith that I am here for a reason, Faith in His plan, Faith that I will rise above, Faith that I will make a positive impact on the world in which I live. Faith that the people who know me, know better.

A future without FAITH is not an option for me....it is me.

Shine on!

~Keri Murphy

1 comment:

Yule {b}Log said...

Faith and hope. Good things to cling on to.